Sunday, August 3, 2008

a little more about HOW MUCH i luv kitty cats!

i luvvvvvvvvv....... kitty cats! There soft, cute, funny, lovable, silly, weird, playful and lots more.
I'll give you a couple reasons why "cats rule, and dogs drool."

1. cats don't drool AT ALL!!!! (katelyn remember that!)
2.cats don't get so hyper as dogs do!
3. cats are cute, and fluffy!
4. cats hate getting wet so they don't stink much!
5.cats like to sleep so they don't mess up your house while your shopping or stuff.

So that put it to the mark or 5/0 cats! GO CATS!!! here are some more pics i found of cats!
happy little kittens!


reminds me of pirates 2 and 3.

they're is always a traitor!!

i wouldn't like to be the person standing outside!

yep that puts it:


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